Cangzhou Galaxy Steel Pipe Co., Ltd

Seamless Pipe API 5L PSL2

Seamless Pipe API 5L PSL2

API 5L PIPES - API 5L SEAMLESS LINE PIPESThisAPI 5L SpecificationCovers Seamless and Welded Steel Line Pipe It

Product Introduction


This API 5L Specification Covers Seamless and Welded Steel Line Pipe. It includes standard-weight and Extra-Strong threaded Line Pipe. It includes standard-weight and extra-strong threaded line pipe; and standard-weight plain-end, regular-weight plain-end, special plain-end, extra-strong plain-end, special plain-end, extra-strong plain-end pipe; as as well as bell and spigot and through-the-flow line(TFL) pipe.

The purpose of this specification is to provide standards for pipe suitable for use in conveying gas, water, and oil in both the oil and natural gas industries

Grades covered by this specification are A25 ,A ,B (and the following "X" Grades), X42, X46, X52, X56, X60, X65, X70, X80. The two digit number following the "X" indicates the Minimum Yield Strength (in 000's psi) of pipe produced to this grade.

We can supply full range of API 5L Seamless Pipes in PSL-1 & PSL-2 line pipe.

We carry a full inventory of API 5L Pipe Carbon Steel Pipe products in a variety of sizes to meet the structural piping requirements for applications the water, petroleum, oil & gas and other industries. API 5L Seamless Pipe Carbon Steel Pipe can be Structural in Nature or used in Fluid, Gas, Oil Transmission.

The grade indicates the testing methods required for a given application. It is critical that structural grades of Carbon Steel Pipe not be used for Pressure or Fluid applications.

API 5L Line Pipe can be either seamless or welded. Applications for API 5L include, but are not limited to: petroleum, petrochemical, natural gas industries, and waterworks.

My company is a pipe manufacturer and pipe distributor in Middle East, Far East and Africa Region that provides API 5L line pipe from 1/2" to 64" in diameter, in grades X42, X46, X52, X60, X65, & X70.




Chemical Composition For PSL 2 Pipe With T ≤ 0.984”

Steel Grade Mass fraction, % based on heat and product analyses Carbon Equiv a
C Si Mn P S V Nb Ti Other CE IIW CE Pcm
max b max max b max max max max max max max
Seamless and Welded Pipe
BR 0.24 0.4 1.2 0.025 0.015 c c 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
X42R 0.24 0.4 1.2 0.025 0.015 0.06 0.05 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
BN 0.24 0.4 1.2 0.025 0.015 c c 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
X42N 0.24 0.4 1.2 0.025 0.015 0.06 0.05 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
X46N 0.24 0.4 1.4 0.025 0.015 0.07 0.05 0.04 d,e,l 0.043 0.25
X52N 0.24 0.45 1.4 0.025 0.015 0.1 0.05 0.04 d,e,l 0.043 0.25
X56N 0.24 0.45 1.4 0.025 0.015 0.10f 0.05 0.04 d,e,l 0.043 0.25
X60N 0.24f 0.45f 1.40f 0.025 0.015 0.10f 0.05f 0.04f g,h,l As agreed
BQ 0.18 0.45 1.4 0.025 0.015 0.05 0.05 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
X42Q 0.18 0.45 1.4 0.025 0.015 0.05 0.05 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
X46Q 0.18 0.45 1.4 0.025 0.015 0.05 0.05 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
X52Q 0.18 0.45 1.5 0.025 0.015 0.05 0.05 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
X56Q 0.18 0.45f 1.5 0.025 0.015 0.07 0.05 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
X60Q 0.18f 0.45f 1.70f 0.025 0.015 g g g h,l 0.043 0.25
X65Q 0.18f 0.45f 1.70f 0.025 0.015 g g g h,l 0.043 0.25
X70Q 0.18f 0.45f 1.80f 0.025 0.015 g g g h,l 0.043 0.25
X80Q 0.18f 0.45f 1.90f 0.025 0.015 g g g i,j As agreed
X90Q 0.16f 0.45f 1.9 0.02 0.01 g g g j,k As agreed
X100Q 0.16f 0.45f 1.9 0.02 0.01 g g g j,k As agreed
Welded Pipe
BM 0.22 0.45 1.2 0.025 0.015 0.05 0.05 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
X42M 0.22 0.45 1.3 0.025 0.015 0.05 0.05 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
X46M 0.22 0.45 1.3 0.025 0.015 0.05 0.05 0.04 e,l 0.043 0.25
X52M 0.22 0.45 1.4 0.025 0.015 d d d e,l 0.043 0.25
X56M 0.22 0.45f 1.4 0.025 0.015 d d d e,l 0.043 0.25
X60M 0.12f 0.45f 1.60f 0.025 0.015 g g g h,l 0.043 0.25
X65M 0.12f 0.45f 1.60f 0.025 0.015 g g g h,l 0.043 0.25
X70M 0.12f 0.45f 1.70f 0.025 0.015 g g g h,l 0.043 0.25
X80M 0.12f 0.45f 1.85f 0.025 0.015 g g g i,j .043f 0.25
X90M 0.1 0.55f 2.10f 0.02 0.01 g g g i,j 0.25
X100M 0.1 0.55f 2.10f 0.02 0.01 g g g i,j 0.25
a. SMLS t>0.787”, CE limits shall be as agreed. The CEIIW limits applied fi C > 0.12% and the CEPcm limits apply if C ≤ 0.12%,
b. For each reduction of 0.01% below the specified max. concentration for carbon, and increase of 0.05% above the specified max. concentration for Mn is permissible, up to a max. of 1.65% for grades ≥ B, but ≤ = X52; up to a max. of 1.75% for grades > X52, but < X70; and up to a maximum of 2.00% for X70.,
c. Unless otherwise agreed Nb = V ≤ 0.06%,
d. Nb = V = Ti ≤ 0.15%,
e. Unless otherwise agreed, Cu ≤ 0.50%; Ni ≤ 0.30% Cr ≤ 0.30% and Mo ≤ 0.15%,
f. Unless otherwise agreed,
g. Unless otherwise agreed, Nb + V + Ti ≤ 0.15%,
h. Unless otherwise agreed, Cu ≤ 0.50% Ni ≤ 0.50% Cr ≤ 0.50% and MO ≤ 0.50%,
i. Unless otherwise agreed, Cu ≤ 0.50% Ni ≤ 1.00% Cr ≤ 0.50% and MO ≤ 0.50%,
j. B ≤ 0.004%,
k. Unless otherwise agreed, Cu ≤ 0.50% Ni ≤ 1.00% Cr ≤ 0.55% and MO ≤ 0.80%,
l. For all PSL 2 pipe grades except those grades with footnotes j noted, the following applies. Unless otherwise agreed no intentional addition of B is permitted and residual B ≤ 0.001% .

Mechanical Properties

Pipe Grade Tensile Properties – Pipe Body of SMLS and Welded Pipes PSL 2 Seam of Welded Pipe
Yield Strength a Tensile Strength a Ratio a,c Elongation Tensile Strength d
Rt0,5  PSI Min Rm  PSI Min R10,5IRm (in 2in) Rm (psi)
      Af %  
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum
BR, BN,BQ,BM 35,500 65,300 60,200 95,000 0.93 f 60,200
X42,X42R,X2Q,X42M 42,100 71,800 60,200 95,000 0.93 f 60,200
X46N,X46Q,X46M 46,400 76,100 63,100 95,000 0.93 f 63,100
X52N,X52Q,X52M 52,200 76,900 66,700 110,200 0.93 f 66,700
X56N,X56Q,X56M 56,600 79,000 71,100 110,200 0.93 f 71,100
X60N,X60Q,S60M 60,200 81,900 75,400 110,200 0.93 f 75,400
X65Q,X65M 65,300 87,000 77,600 110,200 0.93 f 76,600
X70Q,X65M 70,300 92,100 82,700 110,200 0.93 f 82,700
X80Q,X80M 80,.500 102,300 90,600 119,700 0.93 f 90,600
a. For intermediate grade, refer to the full API5L specification.
b. for grades > X90 refer to the full API5L specification.
c. This limit applies for pies with D> 12.750 in
d. For intermediate grades, the specified minimum tensile strength for the weld seam shall be the same value as was determined for the pipe body using foot a.
e. for pipe requiring longitudinal testing, the maximum yield strength shall be ≤ 71,800 psi
f. The specified minimum elongation, Af, expressed in percent and rounded to the nearest percent, shall be determined using the following equation:
Where C is 1 940 for calculation using Si units and 625 000 for calculation using USC units
Axc   is the applicable tensile test piece cross-sectional area, expressed in square millimeters (square inches) , as follows
– For circular cross-section test pieces, 130mm2 (0.20 in2) for 12.7 mm (0.500 in) and 8.9 mm (.350 in) diameter test pieces; and 65 mm2 (0.10 in2) for 6.4 mm (0.250in) diameter test pieces.
–  For full-section test pieces, the lesser of a) 485 mm2 (0.75 in2) and b) the cross-sectional area of the test piece, derived using the specified outside diameter and the specified wall thickness of the pipe, rounded to the nearest 10 mm2 (0.10in2)
–  For strip test pieces, the lesser of a) 485 mm2 (0.75 in2) and b) the cross-sectional area of the test piece, derived using the specified width of the test piece and the specified wall thickness of the pipe, rounded to the nearest 10 mm2 (0.10in2)
   U is the specified minimum tensile strength, expressed in megapascals (pounds per square inch
g. Lower values fo R10,5IRm may be specified by agreement
h. for grades > x90 refer to the full API5L specification.

Hydrostatic Test

Pipe to withstand a hydrostatic test without leakage through the weld seam or the pipe body. Jointers need not be hydrostatic tested provide the pipe sections used were successfully tested.

Bend Test

No cracks shall occur in any portion of the test piece and no opening of the weld shall occur.

Flattening Test

Acceptance criteria for flattening test shall be:

  • EW pipes D<12.750 in:

  • X60 with T 500in. There shall be no opening of the weld before the distance between the plates is less than 66% of the original outside diameter. For all grades and wall, 50%.

  • For pipe with a D/t > 10, there shall be no opening of the weld before the distance between the plates is less than 30% of the original outside diameter.

  • For other sizes refer to the full API 5L specification.

CVN Impact Test For PSL2

Many PSL2 pipe sizes and grades require CVN. Seamless pipe is to be tested in the body. Welded pipe is to be tested in the body, pipe weld and heat-affected zone. Refer to the full API 5L specification for the chart of sizes and grades and required absorbed energy values.


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